Monday, July 13, 2020
February 7, 2013
Today was a full day. Sarah had gymnastics and then her Juniorette meeting. Tonight was her first night as President. Tiffany resigned due to her heavy school load and getting things together for college. It was raining and we had to arrive early since we had to open the house and set up tonight. Sarah called the meeting to order and read the inspiration. The Pledge of Allegiance, Juniorette Pledge and welcome to everyone were then completed. Sarah then explained the change in leadership and recommened that Megan become the Vice President/Treasurer. This was motioned, seconded and passed. Bears were collected to be donated to the Childrens Hospital at a later date. They talked about projects for the rest of the year. A time was set to go to B C Grammar #1 on March 1st to read to children for Dr Seuss' Birthday. They decided to participate in Relay for Life, collect socks for Sistercare and collect childrens books to donate. They also decided to have a social in May, possibly at Lauren and Anna's. They also completed a signup sheet for refreshments for the rest of the meetings. They meeting was concluded and refreshments enjoyed. I could tell that Sarah was nervous to be in front of people talking but she did well and will continue to improve as time goes by.