Tonight we did our eye dissection. Gotta love science and a child who loves science. Sarah started by watching a cow eye dissection on you tube. Then she gathered her supplies. We started by examining the outside of the eye, finding the cornea, iris, and pupil.
She then cut away most of the fat and muscle. Then using a scalpel to make an incision into the cornea releasing the clear liquid called
aqueous humor. Sarah then made an incision through the sclera in the middle of the eye, cutting the eye in half. Removing the cornea and placing it down to cut it with the scalpel. The next step was to pull out the iris. In the center of the iris was hole which is the pupil. The back of the eye was filled with a clear jelly,(vitreous humor). Sarah remove the lens, which she placed down on a piece of paper with words on it to see the lens magnify the words. You could the see the thin fleshy film on the back half of the eyeball which was the retina. The retina is attached at just one spot, the optic nerve. Under the retina, the back of the eye is covered with shiny, blue-green stuff, called tapetum, which reflects light from the back of the eye. We both learned a lot from this.